The purpose of the Domestic Violence Institute's Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) is to help batterers, both male and female, understand their actions and how they alone can control their behavior so that they can live without violence. iKan’s purpose of this program to not find excuses for the batterers' behavior or to even try to understand it, but to discuss how this behavior is learned. This program will teach batterers how to recognize their actions, the effect they have on everyone around them, how to re-learn their thought process and how to control their behavior. If one wants power and control, one must seek it over themselves and learn that they have the power to change their behavior and control their actions.
Groups average between 10 and 15 individuals in attendance.
To successfully complete the program, participants are required to:
· Complete a minimum of 18 weekly two-hour group sessions.
· Pay fee at the time of each session
· Participate appropriately in the work of the group.
Group sessions are held five (5) days a week:
Monday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Tuesday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Wednesday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Thursday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Friday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
BIPP Fee- $30 per session
An individual's completion of the program does not guarantee that he or she will change or that he or she will no longer be abusive.
Completion only indicates that he met the minimum requirements of attendance, participation, and payment for services.